Derrick Foge, MD, is a distinguished Special Forces veteran who holds a fellowship in orthopaedic spine surgery – and numerous honors for his academic and military achievements. After earning his undergraduate degree, he joined the U.S. Army where he earned the Green Beret and Special Forces Tab. He served as Special Forces Medical Sergeant (Green Beret) over multiple deployments and in many missions overseas. He also trained others in emergency medicine and was involved in a wide variety of life-saving surgical procedures. Inspired by saving lives and helping injured comrades regain mobility, Dr. Foge pursued a career in orthopedics, eventually specializing in spine surgery.
Medical School
University of Colorado
Spine Surgery Fellowship at University of Washington/Harborview Center in Seattle
Languages Spoken
Orthopaedic Surgery
Sub Specialty
Orthopaedic Surgery of the Spine
Office Locations
Orthopedic Physicians Alaska
3801 Lake Otis Pkway
Anchorage, AK 99508
Phone: (907) 562-2277